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Dear Reader:
I only have a few moments to write this week’s letter, so I’m writing as fast as I can. I should be able to finish this in 1 or 2 minutes, then it’s straight to the printer to be scanned and posted online.
I don’t really have any tricks for writing fast, except to write as small as you can, remove all unnecessary movements, and keep moving to the right, all while keeping the writing as legible as it needs to be. I have no problem reading this, for example. You likely will, but I’m going to type it out for you, so it doesn’t matter.
There’s definitely good and bad writing, but you can’t judge something until you understand its purpose. So when people ask me how to improve their handwriting, my 1st question is always: what are you trying to do?
New YouTube Video!
Penman have been using the same tricks for a long time
In this video, I look at an original specimen of penmanship by J. J. Bailey that was published in 1925 and analyze the strategies Bailey used to produce his best penmanship.